Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Gunnar Permalink to comment# July 15, 2014 Hi, I’m wondering why so many different pixel-sets of different media-querys exists to somehow cover every potential screen resolution. What will happen if in maybe one year a complete different resolution will be required because of new hardware? Isn’t there a way to be more flexible and to work with proportions of a screen based on the actual font-size… e.g. with the attribute “em” ? Reply ↓

One really easy way to view someone else's screen or even control their Mac over the internet – which is invaluable if you're helping troubleshoot a relative's computer problems – is to launch Screen Sharing by searching for it with Spotlight then entering the Apple ID of the person you're trying to contact. (If you or they don't know it, just have them look in the iCloud pane of System Preferences. And while they're there, make sure Screen Sharing is enabled in the Sharing pane of System Preferences.)

To begin, go to the Personal Hotspot option in the iPhone's Settings menu, and turn it on. If you want to connect over Wi-Fi, find the Wi-Fi network created by the iPhone in your Mac's Wi-Fi options, select it, and enter the password shown in the iPhone.

Tips & Tricks Archives - The Mental Club

Right-click on the taskbar, select Properties, then open the Jump List tab in the dialog box that appears. Here, you'll find some basic tools that let you fiddle with how Jump Lists behave—including the number of items you want displayed when you open a Jump List. Set it to the number you desire (more than 15 to 20 gets unwieldy) and click OK to save your changes.

Laptop Life Tips: Experts Share 10 Tricks To Make Your Computer ...

13. Improve your viewing choices Paralysed by the sheer choice on offer? Netflix’s built-in star rating offers a rough guide as to the quality of the movie/show – but when you really need the wisdom of a larger crowd, try the Chrome extension Netflix Enhancer. The recently-revised tool allows you to see a film's Rotten Tomatoes score as well as its IMDb rating – not to mention access to other IMDb content as well as any trailers. Still indecisive? Try Netflix Roulette. Put in an actor, a genre, or another determining factor, and hey - who knows what you’ll end up watching. Looking to upgrade your TV? Best 4K TVs: Amazon's most wanted Need faster broadband to make the most of Netflix? Compare broadband, digital TV and home phone deals with Telegraph Digital Comparison Service The 85 best movies on Netflix UK

Launch taskbar programs with your keyboard Many of us—especially users of the Start Menu-less Windows 8—use the Windows taskbar as a quick launch bar, populating it with our day-to-day programs. Opening those programs is as simple as clicking them, but there's actually a faster way to launch software on your taskbar: Simple keyboard combinations.Every program to the right of the Start button is assigned its own numerical shortcut, with the first program being "1," the second being "2," and so on, all the way to the 10th taskbar shortcut, which gets "0." Pressing the Windows key, plus the number of the program you want to open, launches it. For example, in the image at left, pressing Win + 3 launches the Chrome browser.

Tips and Tricks Archives - Craig the Computer Geek

I have a website Noobpost I’m trying to figure out how many media queries max-width sizes I should use, right now I have four, but it doesn’t seem to work well with landscape views. It also appears I need to position everything in a percentage to make it more fluid.

Fixing a solid-state drive inside your PlayStation 4 isn’t going to give it any extra processing oomph, but it can do wonders for game loading times. It’s especially effective for those games that insist on having enormous saves (we’re looking at you, Witcher 3). The process isn’t difficult and only takes a few minutes from start to finish.
Best Notepad Tricks
For every geek who swears by keyboard shortcuts, there are a dozen casual users who rely on their mice. Activating icon checkboxes lets you select multiple files to manage simultaneously, without having to hold down the Ctrl button as you click each one.…unless you add checkboxes to Windows icons, that is. In Windows 7, type Folder options into the Start Menu's search bar. Next, open the "View" tab in the window that appears and ensure the "Use check boxes to select items" checkbox is checked. In Windows 8, just open Windows Explorer, open the "View" tab, and check the "Item check boxes" box in the Show/Hide pane.

Zeshan Ahmed Permalink to comment# May 7, 2014 Yes, and add styles of course. Just in case you don’t know, you also need to add a View Port meta tag in your of html file.

Turn off notificationsthodonal88/ShutterstockWhen you go to a lot of websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, news sites, and even your email they ask to enable notifications when there is activity on your profile or a breaking news story. This is using battery because your computer is constantly refreshing information from those sites even though you may not have them open.

I have a website Noobpost I’m trying to figure out how many media queries max-width sizes I should use, right now I have four, but it doesn’t seem to work well with landscape views. It also appears I need to position everything in a percentage to make it more fluid. Reply ↓

We’ve talked before about the things every computer user should know how to do, but we geeks are special: we want to go above and beyond, to explore every nook and cranny of our system and make everything easier. Here are ten ways to do just that.

Chris Hawkes Permalink to comment# March 28, 2013 I have a website Noobpost I’m trying to figure out how many media queries max-width sizes I should use, right now I have four, but it doesn’t seem to work well with landscape views. It also appears I need to position everything in a percentage to make it more fluid. Reply ↓

robbiegod Permalink to comment# April 7, 2012 You would have to research each device you want to target to find out the heights or find the phone with the lowest resolution to use as a baseline. Honestly, you should just structure your page so all important vital things are at the top and less vital things below that. Amd make it so your 2ndary things are partly visible so they know tp scroll, but I think it is mostly implied. Look at other mobile sites and measure. Reply ↓

Chris Dill Permalink to comment# April 4, 2013 You could always just keep the content centered (or left aligned) on the page at a normal width, say 960 or 1024px which would allow it to be readable. To fill up the extra space on the sides you could use a gradient, clever shadows, or some images to “fill” up the blank space. My site maxes out at 960px so it looks the same on 1600 wide monitors, and 1900 wide monitors and beyond. A word of advice- when designing for large screen, testing or actually designing for a large screen is really helpful- it is hard to visualize a large screen when working on a 13″ laptop. Reply ↓

This is perhaps one of the most basic privacy options that just about anyone can take advantage of. The top four most popular browsers - Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari - have a private browsing mode, which can be found in their respective settings menus. With private browsing activated, your browser will not store cookies or internet history on your computer. This has very limited uses and is perhaps really only effective at hiding your browsing history from your significant other, siblings or parents. Private browsing does not securely hide your identity or browsing activities beyond your local machine as your IP address can still be tracked.

Finally, keep things cool. Heat will shorten the long-term life of the battery, so take steps to provide optimal airflow and cooling. The biggest problems come from physical obstruction of the ventilation ports. Dust buildup is one problem, which you can take care of by cleaning the laptop's vents and fan. A can of compressed air can be used to blow out some of the dust. The more frequent issue that crops up is using the laptop on a pillow or blanket, which can both obstruct the ventilation fan and retain the heat coming off of the system. This can be avoided by only using your laptop on surfaces like a table or desk, and a lapdesk will make a big difference when using a laptop in bed.

One of the great things about iMessage is the ability to create a group chat with a few of your friends or colleagues so that it's easy to arrange meet-ups or discuss work stuff. But these conversations can take on a life of their own, and if your friends' comedy routines or an irrelevant tangent in a work conversation start to irritate you, you can easily mute a thread so that you can reclaim some Zen.Click Details at the top right of the window when you're on one of these noisy threads and you'll see a checkbox marked Do Not Disturb. The chat will keep coming in, but you won't be notified when replies arrive. (This also, of course, works on one-to-one chat threads.) You can also leave a group conversation completely.

Decluttering your drive will also make it more efficient. Practice good computer hygiene and regularly remove unwanted programs, clean out cobwebbed files, and ditch any excess bloatware that came with your system. Your cleanup should also include cleaning out the cache on your Web browser and deleting all of the old files from your downloads folder. Windows also has built-in tools for this (search for "Disk Cleanup"), or there are a number of free and paid system tune-up utilities with even richer capabilities.

Increase the number of items in Jump Lists If you come to lean heavily on Jump Lists (as yours truly does), there may eventually come a time when you have so many files pinned to programs that the default 10-item limit on Jump Lists just won't cut it. Fortunately, it's easy to alter the number of files displayed by Jump Lists.Right-click on the taskbar, select Properties, then open the Jump List tab in the dialog box that appears. Here, you'll find some basic tools that let you fiddle with how Jump Lists behave—including the number of items you want displayed when you open a Jump List. Set it to the number you desire (more than 15 to 20 gets unwieldy) and click OK to save your changes.

“If you think responsive’s simple, I feel bad for you son. We got 99 viewports, but the iPhone’s just one. —Josh Brewer, March 10, 2010” Love that quote, mind if I use it on my site? Reply ↓

As any power user knows, keyboard shortcuts will save you lots of time. Jupyter stores a list of keybord shortcuts under the menu at the top: Help > Keyboard Shortcuts, or by pressing H in command mode (more on that later). It’s worth checking this each time you update Jupyter, as more shortcuts are added all the time.

Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.If you prefer the old per-app grouping, though, go to System Preferences > Notifications, then change the sort order as you please: look for the pop-up menu labelled "Notification Center sort order." Play with the different options and see which one works for you.

Prior to El Capitan, OS X defaulted to grouping items in Notification Center by app. Since El Capitan, Apple switched things up and now groups them by date instead. For instance, all your notifications from today will show up together, which can be useful for seeing what you missed while you were stuck in that all-day meeting.

Some apps have more menu bar options than you can hope to keep track of, but instead of searching through each drop-down list manually, you can use the last Help menu to speed things up. It contains a search box, where you can type in the name of the option you're looking for.Results come up underneath it, and hovering over a result will show you which menu it's in, or you can just click the result to select it.

nate Permalink to comment# January 6, 2016 I just want to know how to set up media queries to work with the majority of devices. Device-specific is not the route I’d like to go because there are an insane amount of devices, but I still want to know the basic media query breakpoints that I should use and best practices for doing so. Any tips?

When you use the volume up and down keys on your Mac's keyboard, the difference between one tap and the next can actually be pretty big – especially if you're driving some meaty external speakers. Hold down ⌥ and ⇧ as you tap those keys, though, and the increments become much smaller.

You can shut Windows down with a few button clicks. It all starts with Windows key + X to open the Quick Access Menu, followed by the U key to expand the Shut down or sign out options. Finally, press I to sign out, U to shut down, R to restart, H to hibernate, and S to sleep.

However, in IOS there is only one device-width. It’s the shorter side, no matter what orientation. So actually, for the iphone 4 and 4s the device-width is 320px — even in landscape orientation.

You would have to research each device you want to target to find out the heights or find the phone with the lowest resolution to use as a baseline. Honestly, you should just structure your page so all important vital things are at the top and less vital things below that. Amd make it so your 2ndary things are partly visible so they know tp scroll, but I think it is mostly implied. Look at other mobile sites and measure. Reply ↓

Finally, turn off or turn down the sound. If you need to hear, drop the sound down as low as you can, and consider switching from the laptop's larger speakers to a set of tiny earbuds to get the audio piped right to your ears. Whenever possible, just mute the laptop altogether. That way, the speakers won't be getting any power, and you'll buy yourself some more precious time.

Launch Activity Monitor from the Utilities folder to see current processes, and the resources they take up. The columns show you things such as the CPU usage of a process or the RAM it's taking up. If there's a process that's hogging resources and you're confident it's not needed, you can end it by selecting it, then clicking Quit Process.

When someone sends an SMS – a text message in the original mobile phone sense – to your iPhone, it appears in a green bubble rather than a blue one, as would be the case if someone sends you an iMessage. Before Yosemite, SMSs would only appear on your iPhone where you'd have to peck out a reply, but now you can have them come into your Mac or other iOS devices when they arrive so you can reply to them from there too.Your iPhone needs to be running iOS 8.1, but once it is, and once you're signed into your iMessage account that also has your phone number linked to it both on your iPhone and on your Mac or other iOS devices, turn on the Text Message Forwarding option under Settings > Messages on your iPhone. Boom!

From there, enter a new DNS code – these are subject to change, but Netflix Fixer posts regular updates about valid codes, as does Droidkit. If these free ones fail to work, or you don't like the sound of it, then try a paid-for service such as Unblock Us, which does the same for $4.99 (£3.20) a month (there’s also a free trial). But again, be aware you’re violating your service agreement.

Our upcoming MAKE Volume 30 includes some cool home automation projects, from an alert system activated by motion to a thermostat that interfaces with the internet. So, when my laptop decided to give up the ghost last weekend, I wanted some home-integration ideas to use in bringing it back to life. The case had been damaged after five years of regular use, and a crack in the body kept the fan from spinning correctly. Every once in a while, I’d have to remove the body plate around the keyboard, lift out the fan, and tighten the center screw that kept vibrating loose. But this time, I decided to try something different than just a fix. Armed with new-found interest in home automation, I set about cannibalizing it in hopes that a project might pop out!

If you’re using a popular webmail service, such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail, and you don’t or can’t make the switch to a more secure service, then consider installing Mailvelope. Mailvelope is a browser extension for Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox that brings OpenPGP encryption to your webmail service. Similar extensions exist, such as SecureGmail, which encrypts and decrypts emails you send through Gmail. Using this extension means the unencrypted text should never reach Google servers. Recipients will need to install the extension in order to decrypt and read the encrypted email.

Tina November 29, 2009 at 1:08 pm Roger, yes you can! There are two possible shortcuts. One is + . Some keyboards have a dedicated key for the context menu. You should find it between the and key on the right side of the . Enjoy! Reply

Friday, 16 June 2017

World T20

Kohli's not wasting any time in finding form, glancing the ball down to third-man for a boundary. India running well, too, the final ball of Wasim's over going for two more to the India captain.

It's India vs Pakistan... The Opening Match of the ICC World T20 ...

OVER 25: IND 138/1 (Rohit 65* Kohli 1*)                I don't really know what to tell you about that. Shadab was struggling with the wet ball, needed a rag. Dhawan down the pitch to a full toss, and plopped it straight to the man in the deep. The Indians in the crowd allow themselves a split second to reflect, then start going nutso. Why? Because Virat Kohli is coming to the crease. Kohli gets in with enough time left to get his hundred. Everybody wins.— Hassan Cheema (@mediagag) June 4, 2017

In the late 1980s and for most of the 1990s, India and Pakistan squared-off on neutral venues such as Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates and in Toronto, Canada, where large audiences of expatriates regularly watched them play. The series between the teams in Canada in the 1990s and early 2000s were officially known as the "Friendship Cup". Sharjah even though a neutral venue was considered as the "back yard of Pakistan" given the close proximity and the massive support the team generated.

India Vs Pakistan Free Live Cricket Streaming Links: Watch ICC ...

Amir continues to bowl well, probing outside off-stump at 86mph or so. Rohit is patient, letting a couple by before finding a fielder in the covers.

SPORT ZONE: March 2011

Unlike England’s opening pair of Jason Roy and Alex Hales, who can soon fret, Sharma and Shikhar ­Dhawan feigned nonchalance and gave themselves time and, surely enough, they had the class to make it up. They put on 136 for the first wicket in almost half of India’s allotted overs, preparing the way for Kohli, Yuvraj and Pandya to go to town in the second half.

Amir continues to bowl well, probing outside off-stump at 86mph or so. Rohit is patient, letting a couple by before finding a fielder in the covers. Just a Kohli single off the over. 

Catches win matches they say. We don't think like that is what Sri Lanka is trying to tell us. DROPPED! Sarfraz pulls Maling in front of square on the leg side, Seekugge Prasanna runs in but fails to hold onto it. Malinga needs to bowl the batsmen out now. Can't trust his fielders at this rate! FOUR byes! Sloppy wicketkeeping. Amir leaves a length delivery and Dickwella fails to collect it cleanly. Oh boy, another misfield on the fifth ball and Pakistan take a single. 8 off the over.

OVER 45: IND 264/2 (Kohli 52* Yuvraj 48*)            Hasan Ali. And he has been taken to the cleaners here. 17 off the over. Yuvi sorts out a low full toss for four. Kohli brutalises a length ball for six, timing not there, but the blunt force trauma is good enough in its stead. Front leg around the way and heave. Yells in jubilation, and maybe a bit of frustration, as he passes fifty. Hasan then puts a cherry on it by dishing another full toss to Yuvraj, with predictable results. This is a pasting now.

Rain could mean bad news for India, who have had a slow-ish start. Also, it breaks the momentum that Rohit and Dhawan were starting to pick up.

Rohit living dangerously! A bit of width from Mo Amir, Rohit flashes at it and edges the ball wide of the second slip, who is wide. Azhar Ali dives full length but cannot grab it.

OVER 2: PAK 10/0 (Azhar 3* Shehzad 5*)  Umesh, who is one of those bowlers who really puts his back into it, seems unsure on the greasy surface and it takes him a while to feel confident about his landing area. Anyway, Ahmed Shehzad cuts him attractively for a boundary. But Umesh settles after that.

Glad you dropped Yuvraj Singh now, Hasan Ali? Gets his foot out of the way and murders the ball down the ground for four. Now he tries a slower ball but Yuvi has seen it all before. That sits up nicely, he is onto it, and it's soon sailing into the midwicket stands for six.

And we get off to yet another slow start. Rohit Sharma has certainly slowed down quite a bit, after that rain delay. Meanwhile, Virat Kohli seems to be taking the cautious approach, as India would benefit from having more wickets in hand, if the D/L method comes into play.

Bhuvneshwar Kumar will open the bowling. Azhar Ali is on strike. Couple of wides in this over, but otherwise tidy enough. No carry, leaden skies, BhuKu might be a handful.

That's the game for India, because Wahab Riaz is unable to bat due to injury. Another cheap wicket given away, but Yadhav's figures have been nicely embellished as he's cleaned up the tail. A convincing win for India - a 124-run victory.

Preview: Zaman starts attacking from this over, getting three boundaries in four deliveries, targeting the off-side on each occasion. He is playing wonderfully once again, and seems to have carried his big-hitting form over from the match against South Africa. 12 off the over.

Pakistan have come back well, after Rohit's wicket, but Yuvraj Singh seems to have come out to bat with the intention of scoring the quick runs. Sparsed boundaries have kept India's run rate up, as we enter the last eight overs.

OVER 20: IND 110/0 (Rohit 55* Dhawan 51*)           Come on Pakistan. Get your act together. India are putting their foot down and Pakistan are crumbling under pressure. A terrible over from Wahab, who really is old enough to know better. Short and wide outside off, leg stump half volley, short and wide outside off. Dhawan goes four, four, four. Next ball, Wahab produces a decent slower one, but Dhawan has seen that coming, and dabs it into the offside, where Shadab makes an amateurish misfield. That turns none into two and Pakistan are coming apart at the seams here. Fifty for Dhawan.

That's a real blow for Pakistan as Malik looked in excellent touch. Goes walkabout looking for a quick single, Hafeez sends him back but Jadeja at 45 finds the target with a flat left-arm throw. Fine piece of fielding, but an amateurish dismissal. 

Wahab Riaz continues, and this is good stuff from the veteran, decent recovery after he had some tap in over 16. india as yet unable to find top gear. God is in the house.

Liquor baron Vijay Mallya has created quite an infamous image of himself in the media. The 61-year-old, who fled the country and sought refuge in the UK, after breaking his word to pay back loans worth more than Rs9,000 crore from various Indian banks, was spotted at a few public events recently. And the business tycoon’s presence at the India versus Pakistan contest at ICC Champions Trophy 2017 and later at Virat Kohli’s charity called for a lot of censure from media houses.

Metronomic line and length from Pandya, and he ties Hafeez down with three dot balls. The Pakistan batsman has a strike rate of 60 currently, which just won't do.  Two more dots follow, and Hafeez nudges a single to mid-on off the final ball of the over. Pressure building. 

Dipps & Saima present a special four hour show with live inserts from India Vs Pakistan at Edgbaston. Our very own Noreen Khan soaks up the atmosphere from the pitch and reports back. It's the biggest cricketing fixture in the world and both Dipps and Saima have their celebrity friends dropping in on the show and giving us their live take on the match. Be it Dr Zeus or Falak, Raxstar or Rahim Pardesi. The biggest names from the world Pakistani and Punjabi entertainment will be on your airwaves. Both Dipps and Saima have prepared a playlist you just cannot miss. Think of the biggest sounds and musical vibes from both India and Pakistan coming together in one huge fusion of music to celebrate this historic cricket game in Birmingham. Plus Dipps will spin a special India vs Pakistan mix to celebrate the end of the game, the question is, which team will be celebrating and which team will be mourning during that mix.

Near mix-up between the batsmen as they ponder a second run. Rohit slips! But gets back okay. Now he's crashed a ball through the covers for four, and after a wide, Dhawan has uppercut another boundary behind square. India starting to happen.

OVER 43: IND 242/2 (Kohli 42* Yuvraj 37*)         Glad you dropped Yuvraj Singh now, Hasan Ali? Gets his foot out of the way and murders the ball down the ground for four. Now he tries a slower ball but Yuvi has seen it all before. That sits up nicely, he is onto it, and it's soon sailing into the midwicket stands for six. 36 off the last four and Pakistan are in all sorts. 23 balls for Yuvi so far. Does any bowling attack in world cricket receive so little support from their fielders as Pakistan? Almost impossible to build pressure.— George Dobell (@GeorgeDobell1) June 4, 2017

Shame. But that delay might come at a reasonable time for Pakistan. India just starting to tick, and some errors starting to creep in for the Pakistan boys. Imad tosses one up and Dhawan wallops it. Now a really irritating bit of cricket, the ball knocked into the deep for a single, a wild throw, keeper misses it, nobody is backing up. Oh, Pakistan. Three runs. Anyway, then a couple of singles and the umpires have the players off after the fifth ball of the over.

Bar that wide second ball, this is the first delivery from  Imad Wasim that has offered anything to the batsman. Bit too short, Rohit rocks back and cuts for four.

FOUR! Short and wide from Lakmal and Sarfraz cuts it through point. The third man hares across from third man, got to the ball but failed to stop the ball as he parries it to the fence. He blocks the second ball to covers. The next ball is on a length and swinging in Sarfraz buries it onto the ground. Another defensive shot from the Pakistan skipper. This is intelligent cricket. Sarfraz takes a single off the fifth ball. He wans to keep the strike as much as possible. Can Amir survive this ball? Yes he can, he nudges it to square leg and wants a single. Sarfraz says no mate stay there. 44 off 72

And the two Indian openers are out onto the pitch, after a minute's silence in honour of the victims of the London terror attacks yesterday, and the national anthems of the two sides. Rohit Sharma takes strike, as Mohammed Amir hurls in an outward angled delivery that flies past the former's bat.

Sloppy cricket from Faheem Ashraf, much like most of his other teammates who have batted today. You can feel Sarfaraz is under immense pressure by looking at his running. The panic button is on and some of this cricket is straight out of South Africa's book for a knock-out game. Sarfaraz is now batting with the tail and it's a matter of time, basically.

4.55pm restart, innings cut to 41 overs with Pak (22-0 from 4.5) chasing 289. 7.24pm cut off, by which time we need 20 overs bowled. Mmkay?— Ali Martin (@Cricket_Ali) June 4, 2017

India make 319/3 off 48 overs 130 off the last 13. Goodness me. Pakistan hopeless. Ground fielding and catching shocking. They need something very special with the bat, and maybe a quirky DL ruling to go their way. Rain coming down now. After 38 overs it was 202/2 and the match was in the balance but India ran away with it. Pakistan got its tactics wrong today imo, the way to stop India from getting to 300 was to bat first and be bowled out for 150— Haseeb Asif (@haseebasif) June 4, 2017

1960-61 (India) Another series of stalemate, and with political as well as cricketing pride at stake, it was hardly surprising that neither captain was prepared to take any risks as not losing appeared the sole aim. Not only were all five Tests drawn but all 10 tour matches as well. Pakistan started well in the opening Test at Bombay with Saeed Ahmed and Hanif Mohammad scoring big hundreds, but India then batted more than two days for 449 and that was that. Cricket often seemed a secondary interest. In the Tests Pakistan average 35 runs per 100 balls; India 39 runs per 100 balls. Scoring was so slow that on only 11 of the 25 days allotted to the Tests did the aggregate of runs reach 200, and on nearly half of these occasions the quicker tempo came on the last day when a decision was out of the question. Tests: India 0 Pakistan 0 Drawn 5

6:33PM WICKET! Imad c Jadhav b Pandya 0 Sarfraz misses the chance to put Pandya away through the legside when he strays too straight, but only gets a single.  Imad faces his first ball, and chips a drive straight to the grateful mitts of Jadhav at cover. It was a shorter length  delivery than he thought, and as a result he was always hitting on the up.

10:16AM There's some intrigue in the India camp Re the future of Anil Kumble, and rumours that there have been some issues between him and Virat Kohli. Cricket-Australian McDermott applies for India coach job - report NEW DELHI, June 4 (Reuters) - Former Australia fast bowler Craig McDermott has applied for the post of India head coach, which will become vacant after the ongoing Champions Trophy campaign. The Indian cricket board (BCCI) advertised the post last month, while maintaining that incumbent Anil Kumble would be considered for a contract extension after the team recorded just one defeat in 17 tests since he took over in June last year. McDermott, who played 71 tests for Australia between 1984 and 1996 and was his country's full-time bowling coach from the 2013-14 Ashes series to last year's World T20, said he had submitted an application. "I have had aspirations for a while to be a head coach," he told "I was away from cricket coaching for a year, and now, I want to come back to it. I have also enjoyed my time in India, and it would be nice to serve Indian cricket." According to media reports, his former team mate Tom Moody, former Pakistan coach Richard Pybus, ex-India opener Virender Sehwag and coach of the 2007 World T20 winning Indian team Lalchand Rajput have also applied for the job. Managing an Indian dressing room full of egos and diverse personalities is a Herculean task and former captain Kumble's impressive record will be difficult to ignore. The BCCI's Cricket Advisory Committee, which will make the decision, comprises his former team mates Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman.

The partition of British India in 1947 that led to the creation of an independent India and Pakistan was characterised by intense and bloody conflict between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs that left one million people dead. An estimated ten million people migrated to the nation of their choice. The bloody legacy of the partition and the subsequent emergence of territorial disputes and wars being fought over them have all added to the growth of intense rivalries in field hockey, association football but especially in cricket, which had been developed during British colonial rule and is the most popular sport in both nations. Many of the players in the first post-independence teams of India and Pakistan had played together as teammates in regional and local tournaments.

Sarfraz Ahmed is a delightful gabbler, I like him even more for that. He relates that Shadab, the 18-year-old leggie, is in the XI, Fashim Ashraf is the man who misses out.

Pakistan, meanwhile, have the likes of Ahmed Shehzad, Mohammad Hafeez, Sarfraz Ahmed, Shoaib Malik, Haris Sohail in their ranks. But the player to watch out for will be the young Babar Azam, who impressed one and all with his solid showing in limited-overs cricket over the last one year.

First bowling change,  Hasan Ali comes on with his right-arm fast medium. Offers the merest hint of width and Rohit is at him, a lovely, clever, touchy shot behind square for four. Quality act, old RS. The days of 'Nohit Sharma' but a memory these days. Weather not looking too good.

1997-98 (Pakistan) The Indians had not toured Pakistan since 1989-90 because of political tensions, though they had continued to meet regularly for ODIs, usually on neutral territory, such as Sharjah. In fact they had played each other only a week earlier, in Toronto, where India won the Sahara Cup 4-1. They finally returned to Pakistan for a short one-day series which opened India's Golden Jubilee celebrations. Pakistan took revenge for their Canadian setback, with Saeed Anwar leading them to a 2-1 victory (Rameez Raja, the previous week's captain, had already been dropped). The crowds were mostly welcoming, though there was trouble during the second match, in Karachi, when the Indian fielders were stoned by some spectators, causing an abrupt end to Pakistan's innings. That resulted in Pakistan's only defeat, but a stunning century from Ijaz Ahmed at Lahore brought the series to a triumphant conclusion. ODIs: Pakistan 2-1 India

In 1999, immediately following Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's historic visit to Pakistan, the Pakistani team toured India for Test matches and played in an ODI competition before the Kargil War again put bilateral relations in deep freeze. Prime Minister Vajpayee's peace initiative of 2003 led to India touring Pakistan after a gap of almost 15 years. Subsequent exchange tours were held in 2005 and 2006 before the 2008 Mumbai attacks led to the suspension of India's planned tour of Pakistan in 2009 and all future engagements in Pakistan. India was scheduled to begin the tour of Pakistan from 13 January to 19 February 2009, but was cancelled because of the tension existing between the two countries after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

Pakistan need 100 off 144 balls with 4 wickets in hand. Malinga continues and begins with a short ball, Ahmed pulls it to square leg for a single. The next two balls are yorkers before he mixes it up with a bouncer to befuddle Faheem, who has a wild swing at it only to miss. SIX! Faheem knew it was coming, he anticipated the short ball and pulled it over the fine leg fence. He goes back over the wicket. Ball six: a back of a length delivery which Faheem dabs to third man for a single.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Gray Hat SEO

As the name says it, negative SEO does the opposite of what you would expect and that is to cut traffic and decrease SEO visibility continuously. But who wants that? I would that say a lot of people since we talk about it. They don’t want to do it for their own site, but rather false reporting their competitors to get them penalized. Gary Illyes,  a webmaster trends analyst at Google, tweeted on his account saying that Google hasn’t seen a real example of negative SEO?

He is a New York Times best selling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.


To sum everything up, we reiterate a quote from Matt Cutts, who says “The objective is not to ‘make your links appear natural’; the objective is that your links are natural”. You think you could get away if you try some of these black hat SEO techniques, but sooner or later you may lose rank or traffic, damage your reputation, get a penalty from Google, lose credibility and clients, or worst of them all, face a lawsuit. Be an SEO practitioner of evergreen content. Until next time, be good to Google and he’ll (probably) be good to your site.

Ecommerce SEO: Black Hat Tactics That Are Not Black Hat

News websites are desperate for content, and quite a few of them have very lax authentication procedures. If you can fabricate some news and maybe get yourself a few backlinks or twitter shares on the back of it, then you can potentially get a lot of traffic.

12 Gray Hat SEO Tips for Small Business | Sprout Social

Not all hidden text and links are bad for your site. For example, using a descriptive image alt description, a script for Java or code for Flash files is acceptable. The last two technologies will help improve the experience of your site with the search engines.

Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details.

The man thinks about it. After a few drinks he decides to do it. With tears running down his face, he manages to drink the fire vodka. Next, he goes out into the back where the vicious attack dog lives. Everyone in the bar hears growling, moaning, and the dog yelping and simpering. After half an hour, the man stumbles back in, shirt torn and bloody, and slurs "Whereis the95 year old-nun with the sore toooth?"

Sometimes, that means ignoring my shoes when they need to be tied. Other times, that means trying risky SEO tactics that just might pay off.

ASL Discoveries is a well known company that utilizes American Sign Language (ASL) to all who are interested in learning! Active participation is a must when discovering this beautiful, visual language! Our team consists of experienced and trained professionals who specialize in working with various populations. We use original content that is educationally driven to engage and entertain children and those alike. We also offer classes to the more mature individuals who are simply interested in learning ASL as another language or for functional purposes! Classes take place in a comfortable environment of your choice to explore and discover each other's communication abilities. This could be in your home or your facility. Our team will prepare fun-filled, creative activities to begin the discoveries. Together we will enjoy and partake in the fun, all while building an unforgettable bond. Hosting an ASL Discoveries class is a great way to intermingle with others. Our classes also grant you the opportunity to learn useful techniques to continue the building and growing. We take pride in our class preparation and hope to share this wonderful journey of discovery with you. Let the discovering begin!

Thanks to all of the announcements and changes we saw from Google in 2013, this gray period is over. Link-building and keyword research are still incredibly important, but marketers should start to diversify their SEO strategies if they want to successfully incorporate more white-hat practices that weren’t on their radars in the past.

In fact, serpIQ found that most position #1 SERP results have 2,000 or more words. If your articles pass that mark, you could see those pages move up to a better spot in almost no time.

This should also be avoided, there are thousands of sites that claim to provide genuine likes for a few dollars, but this is rarely a good idea. Much of the time, the likes are not genuine, but gleaned from lapsed accounts that aren’t used anymore.

Since answers to queries come in various forms, e.g. pictures, videos, products, articles, etc., websites need to do everything possible to provide these different types of answers. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. Properly optimized content can take a regular or plain website and make it into something that gets user and search engine attention.

Fairly obviously, these are used in an attempt to beat the robots and allow a site to rank higher in the SERPs than it might otherwise. Whilst gray hat may be considered unethical by some, they remain widely used and of course it’s the ‘gray area’ as to the ‘morality’ of these methods that gives it its name.

So if you were using Google as your police officer, buying links would be considered black hat. If Bing is your police officer, something such as buying Facebook likes would be black hat.

6 Comments. Smithy November 24th Not sure I really agree on the keyword rich internal links. If you look at,, and all those sites rank well and heavily use over-optimised internal linking. Reply Razvan Gavrilas November 24th If overused it may trigger some red flags at Google. It can be applied in a smart way though. Reply Jason Thibault November 26th Hi Razvan, I love the long-form posts your team has been publishing this year. And especially the work you did with Mike King and iPullRank a few months ago. This article, in particular, was a fun trip down memory lane. I played around with article spinning 5-6 years ago. It was fun to test the accuracy of various spinners – but it also gave me a headache. -Jay Reply Razvan Gavrilas November 29th glad to hear Jason 

There’s no real definitive line on what is grey hat, black hat, or white hat. However, most grey hat methods are things that can be done in either a white hat or black hat manner. For example, content behind tabs can also be hidden entirely and work or be crammed with keyword focused content. It depends on how exactly you do it. Reply

Social Network Spam is a relative new form of spamming. Since web 2.0 appeared, spammers have found new platforms where they could spread their links. When they are sending an enormous list of irrelevant links in the Social Network, that is when the red flag rises.

As I said above, it really depends on how you do it. If you’re cramming content behind tabs, but the content is strictly keyword focused, that’s not really helping anyone; yet it will still help you rank.

White hats drive in the right lane, while the black Lamborghini is getting pulled over and given a ticket for speeding 50 mph over the limit in the fast lane. Granted, it’s quite possible that Lamborghini may never get that ticket as you’re watching it zoom by, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a cop just a few miles up the road waiting with a radar gun.

About Neil PatelHe is a New York Times best selling author. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. He was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.Who is Neil Patel?

Keyword stuffing is an old technique that had its moment of glory. It was highly popular before the 2000s, until Google started noticing that content with a great keyword density isn’t relevant to the user. For example, if you are the manager of a company that sells chips and somebody asks you if you have chocolate chips, I bet you don’t answer to them “We do have chocolate chips. Our best selling product are the chocolate chips because these chocolate chips have better taste than our simple chips and our customers love chocolate, so chocolate chips will be a better decision. Try chocolate chips.” You sound like a crazy person if you talk like that. I mean, who can actually talk like that? Ever? Repeatedly using a keyword in an article or a small piece of text – is like giving a definition of a word by using the same word over and over again. It’s not natural and healthy, nor unique. It’s bad user-experience and, worst of all, it will get you penalized by Panda Google Algorithm for low-quality content. It’s better to use expressions and write like you’d be talking to someone because the big G values more the content that is written for people than SERPs. But you already knew that, so why not put it into practice? What do you think about the next page? Does it look natural to you? I bet that you can find a range of online games on the site, but honestly, you don’t need to write it a thousand times to understand that. And since we’ve talked about Google Panda we should see what impact can keyword stuffing can have on several sites.  The website presented below is one affected by this algorithm:

Now let’s be honest here: a true white hat SEO is as rare as snow in Vegas. Why? Because almost no SEO professionals want to wait for a natural link profile to build (and oddly enough, when I have seen these types of link profiles, they look almost fake).

Microsites are no secret. They have been abused in every way imaginable. However, I will say that the most benefit I’ve seen gained from them is splitting them up by niche for local services. For example, a law firm having one site for their divorce services and then another for personal injury. This allows you to focus on specific areas for each site.

Everyone likes getting something for free, so why not put voucher codes for relevant products on your site. You can get plenty of codes from online voucher code websites (Just google 'voucher codes') and pop a 'voucher of the day' feature on your website. Technically this is not plagiarism or duplicated content, but if you push this feature on twitter, facebook etc. You'll attract lots of traffic.

What is Gray Hat SEO? Most search engine optimization experts fall somewhere in the category of "gray hat" SEO. They follow the rules search engines provide as to best SEO practices, but they are continually pushing the envelope and exploring the "gray" areas of SEO. They bend the rules for the benefit of their clients without usually breaking them. Gray hat SEO's are not black hat, nor are they lily white hat either. A typical gray hat SEO will earn some inbound links, and buy others. Buying links is considered a no-no by search engines, but SEO's do it anyway - mainly because they must. Money will change hands but all in the name of high quality content and a beneficial search experience for users. This differs from black hat SEO's who care nothing for search experience in favor of the best rankings possible in the shortest period of time.


12 Risky SEO Tactics That Might Work. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
20 Grey Hat SEO Techniques. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
44 Black Hat SEO Techniques That Will Tank Your Site. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
ASL Discoveries. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
Black. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
Grey Hat SEO Techniques That Work | Cucumber Nebula. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
SEO 101: Meet the White Hats, Gray Hats, Black Hats & Asshats .... (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
The SEO sanity check part 2: gray hat techniques | Webdesigner .... (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
White hat seo vs. black hat seo vs. grey hat seo Antonio K. Moore. (1970). Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
Reputation X. (1970). What is Gray Hat SEO. Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from
Scott Langdon. (1970). The SEO Gray Area Isn't So Gray Anymore: What It Means for Your .... Retrieved on June 14, 2017, from

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That sounds like a maddening game of whack-a-mole when an update comes out and things stop working 100%. You can even manage an eCommerce network.

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The Disable Comments plugin enables administrators to globally control comments on their site. You can also choose to show the sharing buttons on all posts and pages or you can limit them to specific posts, pages or post types.

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The plugin can also make it easy to rename, upload, remove, and copy images in just a few steps. All of the feedback is read, and we’re collecting the most numerous requests for implementation.

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While tremendous effort has been put to keep this directory precise and complete, still errors and omissions are unavoidable and possible. We reserve the right to disable or cancel Your use of Service immediately.​

That’s where MarketPress comes in. It's a good idea when documenting the function to give an example of exactly what needs to be added to the theme file to use the function, including the .

You can completely customize the admin bar, login page, footer, dashboard and everywhere else WordPress logos and branding appears. And 37 plugins? That’s like a security timebomb.

YARP is good, if you really feel the need to clutter up your site with related content feeds. We offer Yoast SEO configuration, in which we’ll configure our plugin; we offer Yoast SEO Care, in which we’ll help you find the SEO flaws of your site and solve them for you; and last but not least we offer a full consultancy package.

Some features on the Service require payment of fees. There’s widgets of all kinds! You can incorporate weather forecast on your site and make sure all your recent or most popular posts are viewable. Literally, click-of-a-button. While tremendous effort has been put to keep this directory precise and complete, still errors and omissions are unavoidable and possible. If Your payment source is declined at any time (including, but not limited to situations where we seek authorizations or charge attempts), we may make up to two attempts to reprocess Your payment source. If Your use of the Service is terminated for any reason, whether by You or by Us, You will lose and forfeit any time remaining on Your account with Us.

Add all the widgets you like. Certainly, this doesn’t represent a list of plugins every site needs (for example, I don’t need a shop or an appointment service on any of mine), which is, you know, what essential means, as a word. The best way to fill in the missing pieces, of course, is to get yourself the right plugins.

All above listed WordPress plugins are effective and very useful. Also, this list is not very good, by any standard, because it’s full of duplication. What other users download through the website or their WordPress Plugin administration will not change.

Not sure how to improve your site? We offer different services to make your site rank higher. I love great plugins, and there are several on this list I’d rank as great, but the more you can build into the theme WITHOUT needing plugins, the happier your update process will be as the months and years go by :)

That said, I don’t think there is any such thing as “37 Essential Plugins”. If not, you don’t need it. In order to keep the core Boilerplate as light as possible, these features have been removed and will be introduced in other editions, and will be listed and maintained on the project homepage

It’s easy to set up and use, compatible with single and Multisite installs of WordPress and also includes all the major social media sites. My preference in that space is Gravity Forms. For support, please use the forums or contact support form. Upon payment, You will have access to the chosen features immediately. Or you can pull in reviews from Tripadvisor, Google Places and more. We welcome any suggestions for corrections, deletions, and idea that might improve the overall experience.

To create a Plugin List, click the button from the left of the page; a popup box will appear. We welcome any suggestions for corrections, deletions, and idea that might improve the overall experience. You can try the free version, called Membership 2, on

Do you want to track outbound links in WordPress? Outbound links are the links that take users away from your website. You can split test, control each post, display ads randomly, and show or hide ads after time.

The only item on the list I take issue with is Contact Form 7. In the Description field, put a few words describing the List. If you’re a content-heavy site, you might want it. Thanks!

To define a custom template tag, simply write a PHP function and document it for Plugin users on your Plugin's home page and/or in the Plugin's main PHP file. An install running 37 plugins is borderline bloated. Other images within your site can also be included by using a delivered function.

Hi, For effective automation of social media their is an user friendly cross posting plugin name Blog2Social. You have the option to regenerate the thumbnails for all image uploads, individual images, or specific multiple image uploads.

Your Plugin filename should also be unique so that your Plugin will not conflict with another in the Plugin Repository. A good solution is to use your name or the name of your company as a prefix, without spaces or special characters –for example, mycompanyname-fabulous-functionality.php.

Uploading custom plugins is not supported on our service, but if there is one whose features that you feel would benefit users on, then please let us know in the ideas forum! Tell us what plugin you want, where it can be downloaded and most importantly, why you think it should be included on I’ve had PLENTY of conflicts with Jetpack and plugins that duplicate one of its functionalities. People who install your Plugin will be putting this PHP file into the WordPress Plugins directory in their installation – usually wp-content/plugins/ – so no two Plugins in that directory can have the same PHP file name.

Excellent round-up, but agreed on W3 Total Cache and GoDaddy/others. Fortunately, you can compress your images to take care of that problem.

“collection of free and premium must-haves” So much overlap in these plugins, multiple contact forms, backup plugins and security. For instance, if your Plugin is going to be called "Fabulous Functionality", you might call your PHP file fabulous-functionality.php. If you do not want others to see the List, select "Private" from the dropdown list. Updates are already easy in WordPress. In this article,… Read More »

While WordPress offers a ton of features and flexibility, there is still a lot of functionality missing from the core software. A user can cross-post blog posts on social media automatically, customized and scheduled. You can even add your branding to even more places than that. Or even publish real-time stock market info… You get the idea. Try enabling Forms on JP and running Contact Form 7 at the same time and see how well they play together. I also don’t know that I’d ever recommend to a client running a theme with 37 plugins going. It’s definitely on the “easiest plugins to use” list somewhere toward the top. MarketPress also makes it easy to manage your sales, inventory, shipping requirements and products. Not essential. If You delete Content, we will use reasonable efforts to remove it from the Service, but You acknowledge that caching or references to the Content may not be made immediately unavailable.

Uploading images to use on your site and in posts is an excellent way to grab your visitors’ attention, but they do weigh down your site. These are all fantastic tools, but not everyone uses them. These could be links to affiliate products, social networks, or simply other websites that you have linked to from your website. Plus, you don’t have to touch any code.

WP In Post Ads is the ultimate plugin for managing ads in your WordPress posts. By default, lists are automatically published as public, which is visible to everyone. The changes will be publicly visible, but only to the technically-minded people checking out your Plugin via SVN. Then click the "Create List" button to create the list.

26, Easy Updates Manager, you don’t need, unless you’ve got a sprawling multisite. I’m sure it works really well for a lot of people, but I simply cannot ask my clients to use it… it requires too much HTML knowledge. To submit a Feedback click the from the bottom right corner of the site.

Broken Link Checker monitors the links found in your posts, pages, comments, blogroll, and more. They take up a lot of storage space, but most importantly, they slow down your site. If this page didn't answer your question or left you wanting more, let us know! We love hearing your feedback. dollars unless otherwise indicated. It also useful for adding horizontal share bar to website different-different post.Unlike other social media plugins, it support major social media networks to keep plugin slim.

We're always looking to improve our documentation. All payments due are in the U.S. Work on these changes and commit the changes to the trunk of your plugin as often as you want. eg: Best Seo plugins for your site. Unlike other sites, WPBeginner test and review the best WordPress plugins and offer step by step installation guides to make your life easier. Easy, powerful, great addons. It allows the post author to advance directly to the posting dashboard of Blog2Social Word-press, in which pre filled posting texts are provided.

You grant to Us a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute Your Content in any existing or future media. So, what is that? 20 essential-ish plugins.
Best WordPress PluginsOften beginners get confused when trying to pick the best WordPress plugins amongst so many that are available. We frequently get questions like what is the best WordPress plugin for SEO, Social Media, Performance, etc. The plugin identifies any broken links that no longer work, missing images, or any redirects.

The plugin works for all post images, thumbnails, gravatar images, and content iframes. We do the research, so you don't have to.

You authorize us to bill the payment source You provide to Us for all applicable fees. I’ve had problems there. In the "List Name" field, put the name of the List. Image descriptions and tags can also be added through this tool.

The next step is to create a PHP file with a name derived from your chosen Plugin name. These plugins allow you to easily manage all your widgets from one sidebar or dashboard, making it way easier than having a sidebar for each one of them.

Membership 2 Pro works with both single and Multisite installs of WordPress integrates with BuddyPress and it’s also a cinch to set up and use. We know that everyone hates Top 10 WordPress plugins list, so we have taken a different approach. It gives your customers a delightful user experience while simultaneously integrating with your site and its pre-existing styles. There are so many widgets available that some of the most popular items in this category are widget control systems. In that i reffer floating social bar plugins ,it is useful to maximize the social media visibility without impacting our website speed. Rock solid.

The Regenerate Thumbnails plugin enables you to regenerate thumbnails for image attachments. So 17.

The same is true of using tools like Grunt, Composer, etc. If you elect to sign up for these features, you agree to pay Us the applicable fees and any taxes as described on the Service. You also grant to Us the right to sublicense these rights and the right to bring an action for infringement of these rights. Comments can be disabled according to post type, on pages, attachments, etc.

Assuming you have already submitted your Plugin to the WordPress Plugin Repository, over time you will probably find the need, and hopefully the time, to add features to your Plugin or fix bugs.


BIA provides free English language services to international students who are currently studying on undergraduate or postgraduate courses at the University of Birmingham. Services include Open-access English classes, online self-assessment, online materials through CANVAS, email answers to quick questions and individual one to one tutorials. For a small fee, BIA also offers classes for partners of international postgraduate students and staff, social events including day trips and HOST visits.

History of Education - The Canadian Encyclopedia

As a university student, looking into the history of deaf education in the UK, this video was most beneficial. As well as researching for my degree, this also provides much background knowledge into deafness which interests me on a personal level, as my brother is severely deaf and was educated at RSDCM. Very interesting!

Studying at degree-level is likely to be very different from your previous experience of learning and teaching. You will be expected to think, discuss and engage critically with the subject and find things out for yourself. We will enable you to make this transition to a new style of learning, and the way that you are assessed during your studies will help you develop the essential skills you need to make a success of your time at Birmingham. We assess students not only the basis of the knowledge they gained, but also the skills that they have acquired. You’ll be assessed in a variety of ways, and these may be different with each module that you take. You will be assessed through coursework which may take the form of essays, group and individual presentations and formal exams. Students also prepare portfolios of experiences and activities which enhances their employability on graduation. Our assessment strategy does not just deliver grades. It seeks to widen horizons and to promote self-development so that our graduates are valued for their leadership and problem solving capabilities. At the beginning of each module, you’ll be given information on how and when you’ll be assessed for that particular programme of study. You’ll receive feedback on each assessment within four weeks, so that you can learn from and build on what you have done. You’ll be given feedback on any exams that you take; if you should fail an exam we will ensure that particularly detailed feedback is made available to enable you to learn for the future. During your first year you will undergo a formal ‘transition’ review to see how you are getting on and if there are particular areas where you need support. This is in addition to the personal tutor who is based in your school or department and can help with any academic issues you encounter.

History of education in the United States - Wikipedia

All Single Honours History students, and many Joint Honours students, complete a 10,000-word dissertation, in which they demonstrate their research skills on a topic of their own choosing. The dissertation draws on scholarly literature and as much primary source material (documents, for example) as students can acquire. Honours students often say that this is the most satisfying part of their History degree.

Top Audio and Video Educational Resources for Lifelong Learning

Starting in about 3500 B.C., various writing systems developed in ancient civilizations around the world. In Egypt fully developed hieroglyphs were in use at Abydos as early as 3400 B.C. oldest known alphabet was developed in central Egypt around 2000 B.C. from a hieroglyphic prototype. One hieroglyphic script was used on stone monuments, other cursive scripts were used for writing in ink on papyrus, a flexible, paper-like material, made from the stems of reeds that grow in marshes and beside rivers such as the River Nile.

Percentages of the population with no schooling varied greatly among LEDCs in 2000, from less than 10% to over 65%. MEDCs had much less variation, ranging from less than 2% to 17%.

In 1964, preparations had begun to raise the school leaving age to 16 to be enforced from 1 September 1973 onwards. As well as raising the school leaving age in 1973, the year also saw the introduction of the Education (Work Experience) Act, allowing LEAs to organise work experience for the additional final year school students. In some counties around the country, these changes also led to the introduction of Middle schools in 1968, where students were kept at primary or junior school for an additional year, meaning that the number of students in secondary schools within these areas remained virtually constant through the change. As of 2007, there are now fewer than 400 middle schools across England, situated in just 22 Local Education Authorities.

Bodleian Library, Oxford University In addition to the relevant archival collections in the Department of Western Manuscripts, which include the central records of the University of Oxford and papers of the Student Union and Graduate Union, the Bodleian holds the Opie Collection, a large and wide ranging collection of children’s books. (For records of individual Oxford Colleges, contact the College librarians direct.

‘Learning journeys’ are conceptualised, within this module, in terms of the meanings that learners attribute to their prior and current experiences of learning and how these individual and collective experiences may mediate their learning in the future. The module is designed to enable students to develop their capacity to critically examine concepts of ‘learning journey’, ‘learning career’, critical events and turning points. These concepts are compared with notions of aspiration raising, barriers and transition as a series of problems or events to be rationally overcome. The overall purpose of the module is to enable students to review their own learning careers and journeys and develop their analysis of their experiences.

In 1840 the Grammar Schools Act expanded the Grammar School curriculum from classical studies to include science and literature. In 1861 the Royal Commission on the state of popular education in England, chaired by the Duke of Newcastle, reported "The number of children whose names ought to have been on the school books, in order that all might receive some education, was 2,655,767. The number we found to be actually on the books was 2,535,462, thus leaving 120,305 children without any school instruction whatever."

This class examines means by which states conduct informal activities to promote their domestic and foreign objectives during wartime. In particular, it analyses the role of propaganda throughout the twentieth century, focusing on the use of modern mass communication and technology by states involved in conflicts.

The Government-run Eleven-Plus exam selection exam has now been abolished in the UK, and no longer do all children sit for it as used to be the case. However, voluntary selection tests are still conducted in certain areas of the UK, where some of the original grammar schools have been retained. These areas include: Northern Ireland and some English counties and districts including Devon, Dorset, Kent, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Birmingham, Trafford, Wiltshire, North Yorkshire, Calderdale, Kirklees, Wirral, Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Lincolnshire and some London boroughs such as Bexley, Kingston-upon-Thames and Redbridge. There have been various so far unsuccessful attempts by campaigners to abolish all remaining grammar schools. The remaining grammar schools are now thus still selective, typically taking the top 10-25% of those from the local catchment area. Some of the still-existing grammar schools in the United Kingdom can trace their history back to earlier than the sixteenth century.

Strath Life Find out everything you need to know about life at Strathclyde! School of Humanities Find out more about studying with us. Study with us Thinking of joining us at Strathclyde? We can help with any questions. School of Education Find out more about studying with us. International students We've a thriving international community at the University of Strathclyde, with students coming here to study from countries across the world. Life in Glasgow We're one of Europe's most vibrant cities. Voted the ‘friendliest city in the world’ in a recent Rough Guide poll, we're also named a must-visit destination in the New York Times, The Guardian and Wanderlust. Undergraduate Prospectus 2018 now available Download or order our new undergraduate 2018 prospectus.

The combination of core and optional modules on this Joint Honours programme will allow you to develop key skills within the subject disciplines of both Education and History. In the second year of study, students will complete an assessed placement module, which includes a two week vocational placement.

Graduates from the Joint BA (Hons) Education and History degree will gain comprehensive knowledge of two disciplines. The programme will allow you to develop a range of skills and gain practical experience, which will enable you to pursue either historical or educational study at a higher level or to secure employment as historians or educationalists. Reasoning, communication and organisational skills acquired from this programme, and practiced in the context of two disciplines, are readily transferable to a large number of professions and other careers.

Ragged School Museum The purpose of the Ragged School Museum is to make the unique history of the East End of London, and in particular of the Copperfield Road Ragged School, accessible to everyone. In a re-created classroom of the period, visitors can see how Victorian children were taught.

The modules introduce a variety of approaches, perspectives and theoretical resources for understanding and explaining aspects of Education Policy, Social Diversity and Inclusion.  Modules also explore early modern European history c1500-1700, Nineteenth century European History and Holocaust studies.

The modern era of French education begins in the 1790s. The Revolution in the 1790s abolished the traditional universities Napoleon sought to replace them with new institutions, the Polytechnique, focused on technology. The elementary schools received little attention until 1830, when France copied the Prussian system.

One thing you'll find out quickly about Coleraine and the local area is how great a student life there is, and not just at night (all the local bars and clubs have great student nights). In your first year, you'll probably live in University halls on campus. There's such good craic to be had here! You'll meet your best mates in halls, go on adventures (the local coastline is great for surfing), and meet local and international students alike. Halls are a great way to get to know people from all over.

All major or joint students prepare, by supervised research, a dissertation that allows them to investigate an area of personal or career interest. Students who have an even split on their courses can choose to write a dissertation in either of their subjects.

This honours level module explores a range of critical theory and its potential applications to the field of Education Studies. Each contribution is examined in relation to its philosophical and epistemological ‘moves’ and students are encouraged to develop critical responses to such theory in terms of its relevance to specific areas of psychology, sociology and learning theory. The module will cover a range of theoretical contributions in the order of their publication, and students will consider the relationship between each approach. A specific example of critical theory will be selected for application in dialogue with a particular area of Education Studies encountered in the degree.

Your learning will take place in a range of different settings, from scheduled teaching in lectures and small group tutorials, to self-study and peer group learning (for example preparing and delivering presentations with your classmates). To begin with you may find this way of working challenging, but rest assured that we’ll enable you to make this transition. You will have access to a comprehensive support system that will assist and encourage you, including personal tutors and welfare tutors who can help with both academic and welfare issues, and offer you help for any particular areas where you need support. You will also have access to a wide range of dedicated e-learning, IT and library facilities within the schools and university to support your studies. The tutors in the School of Education and School of History and Cultures are experienced specialists and Professors teach both lectures and seminars at all levels of study. Our teaching and assessment strategy reflect this concern with the real world. As well as learning in lectures and seminars, students are asked to undertake a variety of enquiry based learning activities; undertaking small research projects, participating in public debates and working in groups to solve problems.

This information is added to Discovery, our catalogue. It is also edited and used to produce thematic digests, including one relating to education history. The digests are made available through this website and distributed for publication in a number of learned journals and newsletters. Further information is available at Accessions to Repositories.

Lord Curzon, the Viceroy 1899-1905, made mass education a high priority after finding that no more than 20% of India's children attended school. His reforms centered on literacy training and on restructuring of the university systems. They stressed ungraded curricula, modern textbooks, and new examination systems. Curzon's plans for technical education laid the foundations which were acted upon by later governments.

G.R. Searle, like nearly all historians, argues the Act was a short-term political disaster for the Conservative Party because it outraged Methodists, Baptists and other nonconformists. It subsidized the religions they rejected. However Searle argues it was a long-term success. The Church schools now had solid financing from local ratepayers and had to meet uniform standards. It led to a rapid growth of secondary schools, with over 1000 opening by 1914, including 349 for girls. Eventually, the Anglican schools were nationalized. Grammar schools also became funded by the LEA. The act was of particular significance as it allowed for all schools, including denominational schools, to be funded through rates (local taxation), and ended the role of locally elected school boards that often attracted women, non-conformists and labour union men. The Liberals came to power in 1906, but their attempt to repeal the act was blocked by the House of Lords, setting up a major constitutional confrontation.

Discover Durham tours offer a brief introduction to the University. The tour begins at one of our undergraduate colleges, where you will receive an introductory talk from a member of college staff, followed by a tour of the college by current students.

2017 - 2018 UK Students For UK students beginning their studies in September 2017, the University of Birmingham will charge the maximum approved tuition fee per year. The fees for your first year of study will therefore be £9,250. EU Students For EU students beginning their studies in September 2017, the University of Birmingham will charge the maximum approved tuition fee per year. The fees for your first year of study will therefore be £9,250 provided this continues to be permitted by UK law. Overseas Students For overseas students beginning their studies in September 2017, the University of Birmingham will charge £15,210 for the first year of study. Visit our tuition fees pages for more information on all these fees. Learn more about fees and funding Scholarships The University of Birmingham Undergraduate Research Experience scheme offers financial support for undergraduates to undertake work experience or a research placement in the summer vacation. The scheme is open to all first-, second- and penultimate-year undergraduate students. It is also open to final-year undergraduate students who are in the process of applying for, or who have already applied for, a place on a postgraduate programme at the University of Birmingham. Learn more about our scholarships and awards

This class focuses on the history of the British Isles from 1700 to 1914. It was a period of phenomenal change in terms of who ruled the country, the main economic activities, emerging cultural expression and attitudes and the growth of British power overseas on an unprecedented scale.

In addressing these issues, the module draws upon themes such as justice and fairness in education as well as inequalities relating to class, gender, race and disability. A range of primary historical sources will be utilised, for example, documents and archives, literary, biographical, archival, visual and material evidence. History of education has a long research tradition which connects to both the study of history and education as well as drawing upon other humanities and social sciences.

This year-long module offers learners the opportunity to apply and explore knowledge within a work-based context, through the mode of work place learning. The placement supervisor in the work place will negotiate the focus for the learner’s role on placement, with the learner. Students complete 100 hours in the work setting. The learner will reflect critically on different dimensions of the work place setting.

The class begins with the traumatic episodes of the Franco-Prussian War and the Communes of 1871. By analysing the often problematic political and cultural consolidation of the Third Republic, this class will explore the ‘culture wars’ and the internal divisions that culminated in the Dreyfus Affair. After the humiliation of losing its status as Europe’s dominant power, France sought greatness in colonial expansion in Africa and Indochina, while seeking to consolidate national identity by transforming ‘peasants into Frenchmen’.

The history of education in England can be documented to the Anglo-Saxons' settlement of England. During the Middle Ages, schools were established to teach Latin grammar to the sons of the aristocracy, as part of preparation also for the entry of some into the clergy and religious orders. The church preserved literacy and learning during this period, and education was closely tied to the religious vocation, in order to read the Bible and related documents. Apprenticeship was the main way for youths to enter practical occupations. Two universities were established in affiliation with the church: the University of Oxford, followed by the University of Cambridge, both related closely to training for clergy. A reformed system of "free grammar schools" was established in the reign of Edward VI.
Raikes used his newspaper to publicize the schools and bore most of the cost in the early years. The movement began in July 1780 in the home of a Mrs. Meredith. Only boys attended, and she heard the lessons of the older boys who coached the younger. Later, girls also attended. Within two years, several schools opened in and around Gloucester. Raikes published an account on November 3, 1783 of Sunday School in his paper, and later word of the work spread through the Gentleman's Magazine, and in 1784, a letter to the Arminian Magazine.

Vedic education included: proper pronunciation and recitation of the Veda, the rules of sacrifice, grammar and derivation, composition, versification and meter, understanding of secrets of nature, reasoning including logic, the sciences, and the skills necessary for an occupation. Some medical knowledge existed and was taught. There is mention in the Veda of herbal medicines for various conditions or diseases, including fever, cough, baldness, snake bite and others.