Monday, 12 June 2017


This is a great tip but I would warn people to consider the implications of time. Each time that you create a new form of content, you will spend more time. While, I believe that is a WONDERFUL tip, do not let it overwhelm you. You can do this later or just do one of them per blog post.

30 Must Follow Blogging Tips for Beginners

March 7, 2017 Reply Belinda I like #35, Heather Lloyd-Martin. She partially answered my question. Preparing my blog content is my concern and she recommends planning blog content a couple of weeks in advance. However, no one educated me on where and how to find blog content or material for blogging.

10 Basic Blogging Tips - Fashion and Fun after Fifty

Remember, you should not only polish your site for the search engines, but for people as well. I'll also include tools and resources that can help you grow your site.

Blogging Tips Tutorial

Creating your own blog can take a little while, probably up to 30 minutes. So grab yourself a coffee or juice (whatever you fancy) and let’s get stuck in. If you need any help during the set-up process, get in touch with me here and I’ll help as best I can and answer any questions you might have).

Istiak Rayhan Hi Ankit, The last two points are solid gold. Almost every newbie blogger makes these mistakes, especially not monetizing blog from day 1. This point is underrated. No problogger talks about it. I think every blogger should think about monetizing their blog from day 1 rather waiting for traffic. It lets them experiment different monetization ways and find out what works for them. I somehow disagree with the first point. Cause what works for me might not work for you. It’s tough to choose the monetization method just by researching competitors’ sites. Sometimes it requires a/b testings. However, you’ve written an excellent piece. Loved it. Keep it coming. Reply Leave a reply: Cancel Reply

28. Automate Everything When I say automate everything, it doesn't mean you should start creating blog posts using automated tools. It means hiring someone to write your posts, seeking SEO help from others, increasing your sales by hiring a marketer, etc. We all know blogging means doing a lot of things from creating content to posting on social media to increase SEO traffic to boosting your sales. If your blog starts generating money, you can spend up to 50% on hiring others to automate your blogging needs. That way you can save a lot of time, and you can use that time to make more money online. That's what every successful marketer do to grow their businesses online. #BloggingTips - Automate Everything! Click to Tweet

Great tips Jeni. As a Mom of 4 boys time is certainly limited. Definitely a struggle to just do one thing as a time – I am beginning to see that multitasking has limitations (even for women – wink!) Avoiding the delete key is HUGE – just get those ideas down and let revisions be your friend. Although I should also step away after revising for the 20th time. Gotta go return a phone call, pop in supper, fold a load of laundry and create….!

No matter what anyone has told you in the past, you are not a generalist. You have a specific sweet spot and if you speak to that audience in the language they use, you’ll have the best chance of standing out in a crowded virtual world and claiming your own spot as a thought leader.

Write articles related to your niche in high PR article submission directories such as Ezine Articles, Hubpages and Squidoo with the backlink to your blog. It will definitely increase your blog authority and your blog will rank well in search engines. After Google penguin update and over optimization penalty, I highly recommend you to avoid low quality article marketing.  Rather, use my next tip which will help you to get more exposure.

I’m often wary of tips. I believe the best lessons can be learned by failing and flailing, and I believe those are the lessons that settle in deepest, right in the spot where it matters. There is wisdom in just going for it, and so much beauty in the path, no matter how winding and unworthy it feels.

Here are 5 tips you can easily implement, straight from 5 of my favourite people. Listen to them. They know what they are talking about and all of them have a track record for sharing their best tips, so you are getting the insider knowledge right here:

Heres my suggestion: Before you start a blog, make sure you have some ideas what to write about. If you dont have any think about your hobbies or things youre passionate about. This helped me to find my niche/topic for my blog. Awesome guide, by the way.

Some of the links I drop on this website are affiliate links, and that means I earn some commission if you purchase through my links. No worries, I only recommend products that I like, and feel that you find useful.

Awesome tips, but not only for newbie bloggers. I have never had a link building strategy, and that would certainly help a lot. The most important tip, if I would pick one, would be your #1. Do Blogging with Passion and Patience. I believe that people won’t last a long time if they don’t have passion for what the write about. That’s the #1 tip for newbie bloggers.

Spend the time to create quality individual posts, then tie them all together with a larger article or white paper. You’ll not only build internal links for SEO value, but you’ll create a resource potential customers are willing to sign up for and will likely share with their network of followers.

Remember, your blog is an extension of you and your brand, and your loyal readers will keep coming back to hear what you have to say. Inject your personality into your blog and adapt a consistent tone for your posts. Determine whether your blog and brand will be more effective with a corporate tone, a youthful tone or a snarky tone. Then stay consistent with that tone in all your blog communications. People don't read blogs simply to get the news. They could read a newspaper for news reports. Instead, people read blogs to get bloggers' opinions on the news, the world, life and more. Don't blog like a reporter. Blog like you're having a conversation with each of your readers. Blog from your heart.

NOTE: The Minimalists’ blog is hosted by Bluehost. For only $2.95 a month, Bluehost can help you set up and host your blog. Because The Minimalists are a Bluehost affiliate partner, our readers can use this link to receive a 50% discount off the monthly price and a free domain.

30. Don’t Give Up Just Yet It really frustrates anyone who is blogging for several months or years and quitting just because of lack of sales or traffic. I know you might have tried almost every single strategy to persuade your website visitors to buy your stuff. But I suggest you NOT to quit. Instead, read marketing and psychology related books. I highly recommend Influence, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Think and Grow Rich books if you are starting out. You will get plenty of ideas on how to sell without sounding like a sales guy. Always remember why you started in the first place when you are thinking about quitting. Motivate yourself to continue and focus on the next step, not on the final result. You will surely get rewarding results in the long run for being persistent. ➜ Must Read these interesting articles: 5 Easy Ways To Become An Unpopular BloggerHow To Stay Motivated When Your Blog is Dying? #BloggingTips - Don’t Give Up Just Yet. Click to Tweet

There will always be people who want your money, your time, or your energies to help promote their own projects.  Offers of guest blogging that can initially be very flattering can wind up taking all your time and eating into other (more important!) areas of your life.  I recently turned down an opportunity to speak at a popular blogging conference about using Pinterest to grow your blog.  Sure, I initially got all starry-eyed at the invitation, but after some serious thought, I realized it would mean not just a weekend away from my family, but hours and hours of preparation for the event that I – frankly – don’t have.

Hi, Jess! I really want to start my own blog and earn money from it. And everyone I know just recommended me to use WordPress. I know WordPress is a good one, but I heard Google Adsense wont work with it. Is it true? And if it’s true, is there any platform that as good as WordPress that’ll work with Google Adsense? Thank you.

We used to publish to our blog 2-3 times a week. Once we switched to posting daily, our blog visits increased by 500% within the year! Yes, that’s a lot of content, but it’s worth it.

I find that when I support my blog posts with data, I tend to get better engagement. People stay longer, share more and visit more pages.
Let me help you Grow Your Business For more email-based advice, select additional areas of interest below. If it’s already checked, that means you’ve previously let me know that you’re interested in that topic. An error has occurred. Please try again. Update profile Skip for now

Great post, I love your comments especially about the multiple drafts. It’s so easy to get sucked into editing your words as you write them, but that’s not really very productive (except typos since they will drive me crazy if not fixed).

Instead of focusing on the sudden decay of short-term traffic, focus instead on the cumulative potential of organic traffic. Over time, given enough time, the traffic from day three and beyond of a single blog post will eclipse that big spike on days one and two thanks to being found on search engine results pages through organic search. You just have to give it a while.

Great tips Donna. I feel so much better about only publishing when I have great quality content. Personally, I prefer to be on the receiving end of quality rather than quantity, so this was great confirmation. Thank you!

It's okay to be more conversational in your writing -- in fact, we encourage it. The more approachable your writing is, the more people will enjoy reading it. People want to feel like they're doing business with real people, not robots.

Plan to invest in blogging for a long time before you see a return. The web is a big, noisy place and unless you’re willing to invest more over a greater period of time than others, you’ll find success nearly impossible. If you’re seeking short-term ROI, or a quick path to recognition, blogging is the wrong path. But if you can stick it out for years without results and constantly learn, iterate, and improve, you can achieve something remarkable.

Generating quality content on a consistent basis is one of the biggest challenges all bloggers face. If you leave it all up to one person in your organization, you’re not only risking blogger fatigue, you’re missing out on a big opportunity: guest blog posts.

Every time I give a conference presentation, I use ScreenFlow to record that presentation. When I return to my office, I turn the recording into a downloadable movie file. Next, I create a highlight reel version, which is uploaded to YouTube.

Lets cut straight to the most basic of all: is the best platform for blogging. The content is forever yours, the logistics of the site are all yours to tweak to your liking and the backend makes uploading blogs incredibly simple and seamless. Oh, and there’s a plugin for everything!

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